‘How to Create a Culture of Continuous Learning in the Workplace’

‘5 Morning Routine Ideas for Highly Productive People’

Illustration for Morning Brew for a newsletter sponsored by National Retail Federation about their annual retail conference in NYC

Map illustration highlighting some of London’s iconic landmarks

Speculative illustration for an editorial piece on women in the workplace

Spot illustrations for a travel brand

Illustration for new kids' handbook at Greenwich Maritime Museum

‘Virtual Collaboration: How Zoom Is Redefining the Way We Work Together’

‘The Evolution of Hats: How Male Headwear Has Transformed Over the Past Decade’

‘5 Tips for Employee Surveys That Actually Make a Difference’

Speculative illustration for an editorial piece on women in the workplace

Sticker illustrations for new kids’ handbook at Greenwich Maritime Museum

'When the Rubber Meets the Road'

'When the Rubber Meets the Road'

‘5 Morning Routine Ideas for Highly Productive People’

‘How to Harness the Power of Professional Development Goals’

‘How Employee Resource Groups Help Build a Culture of Belonging’

Speculative illustration for an editorial piece on women in the workplace

Illustration for an article about correctly cleaning makeup tools

Header illustration for a thesis about fusion energy

‘5 Morning Routine Ideas for Highly Productive People’

Illustrations for a vegan food brand

Illustration about an article about pain relief

Illustrated stamps based on my holiday to Mallorca in 2024

Illustration for new kids' handbook at Greenwich Maritime Museum

‘4 Ways Big-Picture Thinking Can Boost Your Career’

'When the Rubber Meets the Road'

‘The Emergence of the Growth Designer’

A self-initiated series of spot illustrations about moving home

Illustrated stamps based on my holiday to Mallorca in 2024

‘Charting the Course for Adobe’s Product Equity Team’

‘A Learning Renaissance’

Illustration for new kids' handbook at Greenwich Maritime Museum

Pattern illustration for a french cosmetics brand

‘Colorado Unveils a Statewide E-Bike Rebate Program’

Illustration for new kids' handbook at Greenwich Maritime Museum

Illustrations for a vegan food brand

‘Ingrown Toenails: Symptoms, Remedies & Self-Care’

Illustration for new kids' handbook at Greenwich Maritime Museum

‘Democratizing the Lectern’

'Allergy Season'

Magazine front cover illustration inspired by museum artefacts

‘10 Ways to Boost Your Productivity at Work'

Illustration for a piece about sinusitis

‘Oh, Snap! Did We Just Create the World’s First Collaborative Sonic Brand?’

Illustration for an article about correctly cleaning makeup tools

Illustration inspired by a trip to Greenwich Maritime Museum

Illustration of Auckland’s skyline

A self-initiated series of spot illustrations about moving home

‘Don’t Underestimate the Outsized Impact of Short-Term Goals’

Illustration for Informa’s 2021 annual report on the theme of digital acceleration
Commissioned by Luminous agency

Illustration for a piece about the difference between flu and allergies

Christmas card design based on the 12 Days of Christmas

Speculative spot illustrations for a vegan food brand
Brief set by Fiasco Design as part of a course run by Inky Goodness Collective

‘It All Starts With Listening: Best Practices for a Successful Erg Program’

Illustration for a piece about diabetes

A self-initiated series of spot illustrations about moving home

Illustration for Informa’s 2021 annual report on the theme of digital acceleration
Commissioned by Luminous agency

Illustration for an article about baby acne

Illustration for a piece about how diet can delay the onset of diabetes

Illustration for a piece about the management of diabetes

Illustrated poster for a woodland festival

Illustration for a piece about the difference between allergies, flu and covid

A self-initiated series of spot illustrations about moving home

Illustration for a piece about cold and flu symptoms

Speculative packaging design for a french beauty brand’s Christmas collection
Brief set by illustrator Maïté Franchi as part of a course run by Inky Goodness Collective

‘How to Create a Culture of Continuous Learning in the Workplace’
‘5 Morning Routine Ideas for Highly Productive People’
Illustration for Morning Brew for a newsletter sponsored by National Retail Federation about their annual retail conference in NYC
Map illustration highlighting some of London’s iconic landmarks
Speculative illustration for an editorial piece on women in the workplace
Spot illustrations for a travel brand
Illustration for new kids' handbook at Greenwich Maritime Museum
‘Virtual Collaboration: How Zoom Is Redefining the Way We Work Together’
‘The Evolution of Hats: How Male Headwear Has Transformed Over the Past Decade’
‘5 Tips for Employee Surveys That Actually Make a Difference’
Speculative illustration for an editorial piece on women in the workplace
Sticker illustrations for new kids’ handbook at Greenwich Maritime Museum
'When the Rubber Meets the Road'
'When the Rubber Meets the Road'
‘5 Morning Routine Ideas for Highly Productive People’
‘How to Harness the Power of Professional Development Goals’
‘How Employee Resource Groups Help Build a Culture of Belonging’
Speculative illustration for an editorial piece on women in the workplace
Illustration for an article about correctly cleaning makeup tools
Header illustration for a thesis about fusion energy
‘5 Morning Routine Ideas for Highly Productive People’
Illustrations for a vegan food brand
Illustration about an article about pain relief
Illustrated stamps based on my holiday to Mallorca in 2024
Illustration for new kids' handbook at Greenwich Maritime Museum
‘4 Ways Big-Picture Thinking Can Boost Your Career’
'When the Rubber Meets the Road'
‘The Emergence of the Growth Designer’
A self-initiated series of spot illustrations about moving home
Illustrated stamps based on my holiday to Mallorca in 2024
‘Charting the Course for Adobe’s Product Equity Team’
‘A Learning Renaissance’
Illustration for new kids' handbook at Greenwich Maritime Museum
Pattern illustration for a french cosmetics brand
‘Colorado Unveils a Statewide E-Bike Rebate Program’
Illustration for new kids' handbook at Greenwich Maritime Museum
Illustrations for a vegan food brand
‘Ingrown Toenails: Symptoms, Remedies & Self-Care’
Illustration for new kids' handbook at Greenwich Maritime Museum
‘Democratizing the Lectern’
'Allergy Season'
Magazine front cover illustration inspired by museum artefacts
‘10 Ways to Boost Your Productivity at Work'
Illustration for a piece about sinusitis
‘Oh, Snap! Did We Just Create the World’s First Collaborative Sonic Brand?’
Illustration for an article about correctly cleaning makeup tools
Illustration inspired by a trip to Greenwich Maritime Museum
Illustration of Auckland’s skyline
A self-initiated series of spot illustrations about moving home
‘Don’t Underestimate the Outsized Impact of Short-Term Goals’
Illustration for Informa’s 2021 annual report on the theme of digital acceleration
Commissioned by Luminous agency
Illustration for a piece about the difference between flu and allergies
Christmas card design based on the 12 Days of Christmas
Speculative spot illustrations for a vegan food brand
Brief set by Fiasco Design as part of a course run by Inky Goodness Collective
‘It All Starts With Listening: Best Practices for a Successful Erg Program’
Illustration for a piece about diabetes
A self-initiated series of spot illustrations about moving home
Illustration for Informa’s 2021 annual report on the theme of digital acceleration
Commissioned by Luminous agency
Illustration for an article about baby acne
Illustration for a piece about how diet can delay the onset of diabetes
Illustration for a piece about the management of diabetes
Illustrated poster for a woodland festival
Illustration for a piece about the difference between allergies, flu and covid
A self-initiated series of spot illustrations about moving home
Illustration for a piece about cold and flu symptoms
Speculative packaging design for a french beauty brand’s Christmas collection
Brief set by illustrator Maïté Franchi as part of a course run by Inky Goodness Collective